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Marketing has made a quantum shift in the last 10 years. Long gone are the days where the only way to reach an audience was one-to-many messages on billboards, in ....

Salesforce is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that can provide many benefits for your business, allowing you to track important data and effectively implement your growth strategies. It is ....

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A developer walks into a requirements review and after a few minutes says “But this is just like part of the application ....

It’s hard to believe it’s almost here – 2017. We’re launching a year with a new president, the Cubs as World Series champs, and mobile apps and sites top of ....

The holiday season is upon us, and just as it brings in thoughts of good cheer, hot mugs of cocoa and time spent with friends and family, so, too, does ....

At the end of February, Amazon cloud service, AWS had a major outage. The outage caused some very high profile sites to go down, including Netflix, Reddit, Quora, Medium and ....

The definition of brownfield software development is the development and deployment of new software and systems in the presence of existing and legacy systems. Sound familiar? That’s because unless you’re ....

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